• PO Box 986, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
  • Address
  • 02 9375 1620
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The Principal’s Tzedakah Fund

Your support of The Principal's Tzedakah Fund will bring enormous relief to families who are struggling financially

Paying for non-school fee related expenses is something that many of us take for granted, but for some families, covering the cost of incidental educational expenses, such as school uniforms, musical instruments, tefillin, excursions or camps is simply out of reach. Supporting the Principal’s Tzedakah Fund will ensure that every child can participate in all aspects of Moriah life, alongside their friends. The Principal’s Tzedakah Fund was generously established in 2014 by Peter and Jenny Wohl and family.
Your support of The Principal’s Tzedakah Fund will bring enormous relief to families struggling to meet school related costs, providing them with a helping hand so their child does not miss out on the wonderful range of opportunities available at Moriah.

“Jenny and I wanted Moriah children whose parents were in need to feel that they had the same opportunities as their friends. Situations where a little help would provide enormous relief. There is a perception in the community that the Moriah parents are all wealthy and unfortunately this is just not the case.”

Peter and Jenny Wohl and family
$ 0 m
raised since inception
$ 0 m
provided towards bursaries
students assisted to attend IST
$ 0 m
provided towards IST

Change a child’s life today

Find out about the several ways to support Moriah families and children.