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Terms & Conditions


This webseite is owned and operated by The Moriah Foundation ABN: 32 162 505 722 under the domain name www.themoriahfoundation.org.au. Your use of the information, graphics, text, software and materials (Content) on The Moriah Foundation site is governed by these Terms of Use. By using this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. The Moriah Foundation reserves the right to review and change any of the Terms & Conditions by updating this page at the Company’s discretion. Any changes to the Terms & Conditions take immediate effect from the date of their publication on this page.


The Moriah Foundation site may contain links to third party websites. The Moriah Foundation does not sponsor or endorse the operators or content of any linked third-party websites. Subject to any applicable law which cannot be excluded, The Moriah Foundation makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, accuracy, merchantability, or fitness for purpose of any linked websites, material or products or services.


The Moriah Foundation site provides general information about The Moriah Foundation and The Moriah Foundation’s various programs, services, products and activities.

The Moriah Foundation site may contain or make available data sheets, email lists, mail out or newsletter services, service provider details, or other tools and facilities which may be of use to you. Whilst The Moriah Foundation has taken reasonable effort to provide such features that are accurate and free from defect, The Moriah Foundation does not warrant the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of these features, which are provided on an “as is” basis.

Any products and services offered on The Moriah Foundation site and all prices displayed are subject to change without notice.


You may wish to donate money to The Moriah Foundation via the The Moriah Foundation site. In order to make a donation via The Moriah Foundation site, you may be directed to a secure external third-party website which operates a secure payment details collection service for The Moriah Foundation. Your donation details and credit card details for payment may be collected by the third-party website and provided to The Moriah Foundation to process the donation payment.


Use of the Website, the Service, and any of its products, is at your own risk. Everything on the Website, the Service, and its products, are provided to you “as is” and “as available” without warranty or condition of any kind.

Although we endeavour to provide a consistent, problem-free website, The Moriah Foundation does not guarantee an uninterrupted, error free Website, service or product, nor does The Moriah Foundation guarantee the Website, or server that operates them, are free of viruses or other harmful components. The Moriah Foundation does not guarantee against defect, failure to correct defects, delay in operation, loss of data, unauthorised or unlawful conduct or access to records.

While we do our best to accurately populate the Website, The Moriah Foundation makes no representation or warranties about the accuracy, suitability or currency of any information on the Website, the Service, or any of its content related products (including third party material and advertisements on the executive memorandum or the website).

While most users access our site without the need to purchase additional hardware or software, The Moriah Foundation accepts no liability for costs incurred as a result of you using the Website, Service or any of its products.

Links are provided for the convenience of users (at your own risk), and for which The Moriah Foundation accepts no responsibility for the content or operation.

The Moriah Foundation accepts no liability for any failure to complete a transaction, or any loss arising from e-commerce transacted on the Website.

The Moriah Foundation bears no responsibility for any defamatory, threatening, offensive or unlawful conduct of third parties or publication of any materials relating to or constituting such conduct.


Subject to any responsibilities implied by law and which cannot be excluded, The Moriah Foundation and its directors, employees, agents, volunteers and contractors, are not liable to you for any losses, damages, liabilities, claims and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and defense or settlement costs) whatsoever, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising out of or referable to any Content on The Moriah Foundation site, to any material on linked websites, or to access or use of The Moriah Foundation site by you, howsoever caused, whether in contract, tort including negligence, statute or otherwise.

Liability of The Moriah Foundation for breach of a condition or warranty implied by law, and which cannot be excluded, is limited to the extent possible at The Moriah Foundation’s option, to the supply of the goods or services again, the repair of the goods, or the payment of the cost of having the goods or services supplied again or repaired.


You indemnify The Moriah Foundation, their affiliates, employees, agents, contributors, third party content providers and licensors from and against all actions, suits, claims, demands, liabilities, costs, expenses, loss and damage (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis) incurred or suffered by you or by us as a direct or indirect consequence of your accessing, using or transacting on this site or your attempts to do so and any breach by you or your agents of these Terms.

8. COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY This website, the Service, and all its related products are subject to copyright. The Moriah Foundation retains all right, title and interest in and to the website and all related content. Nothing you do on or in relation to this Website will transfer any Intellectual Property Rights to you.

Except where necessary for viewing the Content on this website or your browser, or as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws or these Terms of Use, no Content on The Moriah Foundation site may be reproduced, adapted, uploaded to a third party, framed, performed in public, distributed, or transmitted in any form by any process without the prior written consent of The Moriah Foundation.


You acknowledge and accept that your use of The Moriah Foundation site indicates your acceptance of these Terms of Use. The Moriah Foundation may at any time vary the Terms of Use by publishing the varied Terms of Use on The Moriah Foundation site. You accept that by doing this, The Moriah Foundation has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation.

These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of New South Wales (Australia). If any part of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed without affecting the remainder.